Ms. Cohen


Ms. Cohen - Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, November 21 · 4:30 – 7:30pm
Friday, November 22 · 12:35 – 2:35pm

If you would like to speak with me about your student's performance in ESL 1 or Power Writing, please email, call, or text me. You may also schedule an appointment by sending me a text. Translation is available upon request. 

About Ms. Cohen



Text: (475) 441-9616

My name is Ms. Cohen and I teach ESL 1 and Power Writing!

My door is always open so please stop in or email me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Or even to say hello! 

Important Information

Grading (Course Breakdown, Minimum required to pass, what is considered failure, etc): 

40% - Assessments (Exam, Essay, Project; 3+ per Marking Period)

30% - Quizzes (weekly)

30% - Classwork, Participation (every day is important!), and Homework

Minimum grade to pass: 65% and your final grade for the course is an average of all 3 marking periods.

*To pass the course, you MUST pass both classes: ESL 1 and English Seminar A or ESL 4 and Power Writing!*