Open School Night

Seniors and Senior Parents/Guardians. This is a great evening where you can come to the school and learn all about senior year at Liberty High School.
Come at 4:30 for food and prizes. The program is from 5pm to 7pm. 
See you then! 
Mr. Judd

What's Coming Up!

  • Attendance

    Dear Parents, 

    Are you planning a family trip for the holidays? As you think about your arrangements, we want to stress the importance of sending your child to school every day. Every year, absences spike in the weeks before and after school vacations or recess. Just a few missed days here and there, even if they are excused absences can add up to too much lost learning time. This can cause your child to fall behind in school. Absences at any age can affect a student's chances for academic success and eventually graduation. 

    R. Huegel. Principal

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Teacher Positions Open

    Liberty High School thanks all the candidates who applied to join our team. Currently we have one vacancy open for an ENL teacher. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Teacher Appreciation Week

    LHS community loves a great gathering. Our teachers were Superheroes for the day. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers

    Due to weather conditions all NYC PS students will learn remote tomorrow, Tuesday, February 13, 2024. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Ribbon Cutting

    On Friday, February 9, 2024, the school held a ribbon cutting ceremony for its official SCHOOL PANTRY. LHS wants to make sure no student or family goes hungry. The pantry includes clothes everything from baby clothes to coats and shoes. If you are in need, please speak to your guidance counselor or advocate counselors. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Letter from the Chancellor

    Chancellor Porter has announced school initiatives for September 2021. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • School Reopening September 2021

    Letter for Families

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Want Information about our School

    Fill out the form to receive print materials.

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Introducing the new Chancellor

    Please see here for the translations

    Translations of the Chancellor's Letter

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • October 29, 2020

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
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Math Rules!

How can math fight a pandemic?

Math Graphic

Here is an article detailing all of the ways math is important during this pandemic. There's a lot to read, but it's super interesting!



Need some extra help? Here are some digital math resources - Here is a website where you can practice almost ANY math skill...and see how you are progressing towards mastery. - Here you can videos, practice questions, quizzes and tests to help you improve your skills in math. And its FREE - Here you will find all of the past Regents exams and answers. You can also search by topic and focus on one skill at a time! Here you will find all of the different exams, answers to the multiple choice questions, and model response questions to show you how the Part 2, 3, and 4 questions are answered. 

 You can also search for videos on for "Algebra Regents" or "Geometry Regents" exam and you will find videos that teachers have made that explain problems that are on the exam. 

Geometry Riddles!



1. What kind of tree does a math teacher climb? 


2. What do you have to know to get top grades in geometry?



 3. Why was the obtuse angle upset? 



 4. What's a polygon? 





 5.What do you get when you cross geometry with McDonalds? 


1. Geometry.

2. All the angles.

3. Because he was never right.

4. A dead parrot . :( 

5. A plane cheeseburger