Geovanny Jacome, Academic Honesty

Amelia Carbajal, Academic Honesty

Yenny Jimenez, Academic Honesty

Karen Corro, Academic Honesty

Liberty High School 2021 - 2021 Student Government!

 Student Government President: Ehui Paul Yepie

"Our differences of cultures and backgrounds makes us so special and by combining them we would make something extraordinarily good. Like Michael Jordan said, 'Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.'"

Vice President: Caribay Suarez

"I, as part of this community, believe empathy is the key to build social understandings that will further strengthen our community."

Secretary: Ibrahima Leye

"Although I am not perfect, I am willing to do my best and also look forward to working with the others to make this year the best senior year ever." 

Treasurer: Sudipta Saha

"We need a strong student government who can make everything easy and possible." 

11th Grade Representative: Mor Ndiaye

10th Grade Representative: Engel Garcia Harvey

LHS/LTW Homecoming Cruise 2021

LHS/LTW Halloween Art Contest -- Anti- Bullying and Halloween Mash Up!

LHS/LTW November 2021 Academic Writing TikTok Video Contest!