
Ms Lindsay - about me

Hello,  I'm Ms Lindsay and I teach ENL 4 and co-teach Environmental Science with Ms Jaffe. I taught drama and filmmaking through The Kitchen's after school program at Liberty for many years before I became a teacher her. I'm currently completing my TESOL Masters Degree at Hunter College and I love teaching English as a second language. I also love questions. Please reach out to me if you have any questions at all:  lhockaday2@schools.nyc.gov


Tuesday February 13th Zoom Link! Ms Lindsay ENL 4 Class

Hello ENL 4,

I hope you're enjoying the snow. Please access our class using this Zoom link:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 989 6111 0218
Passcode: 595845

Again, here is our class code for Google Classroom: dgw5uxk

See you at 9:37am!

Ms Lindsay